19, female, disabled, terrified

Alright, let me make this really clear for you:

  1. There are millions of people with schizoaffective disorder, and I seriously doubt they're all on disability. You seem to think that this is a good reason to spare your nose from the grindstone, but you are wrong. And I don't know much about the disorder or how it's presented in your case, but I do know that pretty much everyone hallucinates and has violent mood swings from time to time, and most people just chalk it up to "too much stress."

  2. It's pretty normal for parents to kick their kids out as soon as they graduate high school. I'm not saying it's a nice thing to do.. My parents didn't, but then again I'm 24 and I still live at mom's, so clearly it's not a terrible idea.

  3. You are not stupid. In fact, you seem like you're highly intelligent. Sitting on ass and relying on your mom or fiance is stupid. So get out there and make something of your life!

I am on meds. Their side effects contribute to my inability to work a "normal" job.

If your meds are doing more harm than help, then quit taking them. That shit is toxic anyway.

(Calling all assholes to the downvote button.. All conventional thinkers, brainwashed idiots, and people who see the world in black and white, please downvote me for trying to save this girl's nervous system from the ravaging effects of prescription neurotoxins!)

She has made it very clear almost every day before and after work that she doesn't want me working there. Abundantly clear. To my friends, even.

Look at it from her perspective; you considered working for 125 different positions, you chose the one she got fired from, and now you're working for someone who used to be close to her and she had a falling out with. Duh.

Cannot afford/handle uni or junior college at the moment

You would qualify for financial aid. At a junior college, that basically means tuition, books, and left over money. It's also something to do, and it may get you the skills you need to find work in an area you find suitable.

Just stop whining about your disability and save your own life. Snails can make more progress than you, as long as you keep sitting there saying you can't.

/r/Advice Thread