19 white woman found dead with "black lives matter" carved into skin..... any sympathy I had left over them being stupid is now gone..only rage.

And you don't think trump supporters are laughing at you now? And for someone who claims intelligence and yet chooses to make the ignorant standpoint that someone he has never known is stupid. How can you just assume people via a Reddit post? Have you been in my life? Have you been though my experiences? Have you existed long enough in this life to know that leftist ideal are destructive and don't work for the fact of simple human nature? And for someone who would most likely believe that white people are privileged and yet claims that you are intelligent because you went to these schools. Hate to break it to you but the Frankfurt School really screwed up higher education, and they screwed up you... why re-invent the wheel? There is a reason why those on the right hold on to traditions, it's because they work. And look, half a century of leftist policy and the west is collapsing. I would'nt be suprised if you read Alinsky. So congrats man, your arrogance is disgusting. Pure Marxism, hate to break it to ya, but WW1 was'nt the revolution you were hoping for.

/r/trump_MAGA Thread Parent Link - tmzhiphop.com