追击(1971)[香港][汉语普通话][王天林][衣依,田俊,唐菁][豆瓣评分: 6.0][IMDB 评分:7.0]


Eight stars for pure entertainment value.

I first saw this film in 1973, when it was released in America on the first wave of the '70s kung-fu fad that followed the success of 5 Fingers of Death. It remains as much fun now as it was then.

Not a great film - no, let's be honest, this is a really bad film. But it moves along so quickly, with such cartoonish violence, that you readily forget that there are any standards by which to judge such a film.

All the sword-fu in the film is of the unbelievably super-human variety, complete with the cheesiest wire-works ever. Really: there's not a single realistically portrayed fight scene in the whole film.

The acting is somewhat sub-professional, the dialog is hilarious, the staging and direction makes every scene look like a rehearsal. The plotting is overly complicated, but made over-simplified by cheap revelations - the villains lie to the hero, and then almost immediately tell him that they've lied to him, which kind of makes the deceit rather meaningless. But, then, this is not the type of film requiring any meaning at all - just 90 minutes of spare time when you have nothing to do or to think about. Just put your brain in neutral and enjoy.

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