1990s Essential Chart Nomination Day 1: 1990-91

My religion is based on that theory, it makes total sense, plus even Arcade Fire are spreading the gospel... ok, Owen Pallett...

For a long time I had this theory: the impossibility of a female Kurt Cobain. What he represents, leaning against the system and yet supported by consumers, there was no woman in the world that could command the masses so utterly. The music industry wouldn't let her. This thing I've been stewing about since I saw Grimes play to 20 people in 2011, and started reading her Tumblr, and then really starting feeling when "Oblivion" came out, is that Claire is the closest thing we have to a female Kurt Cobain, smart enough to understand the system but righteous enough to wall-jump away from it. But also, interestingly, what an inversion her approach is to Kurt's. His pose was anti-establishment, her pose is post-structural. He was rigorous, she is always looking outward, game for genre-experimentation and hilarity. I feel like even if I don't like her music, and I do so far, I will always feel like she's several steps ahead of me, several books ahead of me, and that makes me feel really fucking good. Anyone who gives her grief about anything can kick rocks as far as I'm concerned.

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