2 2 2 is great but it's the end of flexing

And bunker is fun to play against?

Getting insta-deleted every time Orisa halts and Hog hooks?

Standing in one place, putting shields on cooldown and spamming enemy shields is fun?

Having to play 6-10 heroes out of 31, otherwise you'll be considered a thrower, is fun?

I don't see how switching from one meta to another (in higher ranks) is fixing the game.

Also, I don't see how forcing a certain meta (for all ranks) is fixing the game.

The key word here is game, since it's what it's supposed to be after all. 99,99% of the playerbase are not pro players, and the reason why they wanted to remove goats is not because the players weren't having fun, but because GOATS were boring to watch in OWL, which is where the MAJORITY of Blizzard's money comes from.

They didn't do this for you and me, they did it for the cash.

Yes, having a balanced comp sounds like a good idea, but it's definitely doesn't equal having fun.

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