Why do 2 and 3-Player Matches Contribute to Rank?

Honestly, if you're stuck on rank 8, you just suck, simple as that. And it's nothing wrong with that since you're new so don't take that as offensive. Pipping in this game is waaaay too easy and leads to having potatoes in red ranks. And I say that because I was one of them, got rank 1 survivor after 15 days of playing and was shit for another 2 weeks after that, still managing to not fall bellow rank 2. My advice how to get better... don't be immersive. Don't crouch around or hide in the locker the moment you hear a heartbeat. Play fast and move from place to place quickly. When you see a gen, go do it, don't wait for someone to be chased (popular tactic to hide at the start not doing anything so you're not the first caught), when you finish a gen, RUN to another place, if someone is hooked and is a few seconds from going to the second phase of struggling, RUN to save him (if you're already going for the save). Can't tell how many time I got to second phase because stupid ass Meg didn't want to waste her sprint burst and she just crouch to me while the killer was on the other side of the map.. so most importantly.. be effective. Always be doing something, if you get spotted by the killer, deal with it and waste his time. It won't be easy at first but you'll learn to pallet loop in no time. You won't be pipping up by just doing gens all game. When you'll get comfortable playing the game fast, you'll pip basicaly every game, trust me. Getting double pip on survivor is hard but honestly, you don't want that. After rank reset, I want to avoid red ranks for as long as possible but without dcing every now and then, it's stupidly annoying getting there so fast. Ofc you'll get games where you get downed first and killer just camps or tunnels you to death without hooking anyone in meantime, nothing you can do about that so just take the depip and move on. Same for dcs, don't give up right away, you can still get a pip, even escape. So ye, the point is, in some time you'll wish pipping was not so eazy, so you could stay in green, purple ranks for longer where the game is actually fun.

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