2:30~ Dragons B10 speed team 99% success rate


So I spent much of the last 5 days making my speed team as stable as possible. I explored many monsters options as well as rune configuration and have finally came up with the most optimal set up.

Stats and runes -

Verd: Swift/Nemesis (spd/CR/hp) 203 spd 20k hp 99%CR 753 def Bella: Vio/Focus (spd/hp/def) 166 spd 21k hp 68% acc 1121 def Sig: Vio/offset (atk/CD/atk) 113 spd 14.1k hp 81%CR 117%CD Vero: Swift/off (spd/hp/hp) 212 spd 24.5k hp 1k def 56% acc 30% res Spectra: Swift/shield (hp/cd/acc) 207 spd 21k hp 63% acc 59%CR 129%CD

No skill up on Sig and 4 skill up in mega smash on Veromos.

Here's some explaination of my lineup:

*As you can see, I do not have great runes. This has 99% success rate, the only time it fails is if Bella goes full retard doesn't armor break anything on 3rd stage for 4+ turns and Spectra doesn't slow, AND somehow Zaiross puts everything on cooldown, then I get rekt, however this has happened only once so far with 200+ runs. Nothing you can do against RNG sometimes.

*Sig dies maybe 5% of the time but It doesn't matter as the rest of the team will carry through.

*It is IMPORTANT to have Verd slower than your Veromos if you are running Swift. With my Veromos being faster than my Verd, my veromos always cleanses the dragon dots off. Nemesis runes on verd means that verd cannot be armor broken and die at Zaiross stage because he pushes Veromos' attack bar to always cleanse, this works in combination with the Spectra slow to guarantee it.

*The shield on rune spectra is only there because they are really great runes. It also helps a bit with damage mitigation on the Zaiross stage.

Hopefully this video will help some of you!

/r/summonerswar Thread Link - youtube.com