2,409K Counting Thread

Thread Participation Chart for 2,409K Counting Thread

Rank Username Counts
1 /u/a-username-for-me 237
2 /u/thephilsblogbar 151
3 /u/TheNitromeFan 143
4 /u/heeric 121
5 /u/kongburrito 98
6 /u/Urbul 45
7 /u/llamasR5life 26
8 /u/padiwik 20
8 /u/LetsStartFlame 20
9 /u/Smartstocks 16
9 /u/NeonTaterTots 16
10 /u/TehVulpez 15
11 /u/nightbringar755 13
12 /u/atomicimploder 12
13 /u/The_Necromancer10 9
14 /u/SolidGoldMagikarp 6
15 /u/treje 5
15 /u/davockx 5
15 /u/Totschlag 5
16 /u/MegaUltraSonic 4
16 /u/FelikxGreyFox 4
17 /u/gartenriese 3
17 /u/Tornado9797 3
17 /u/Mooraell 3
18 /u/weIIokay38 2
18 /u/dominodan123 2
18 /u/davidjl123 2
18 /u/PaleRepresentative 2
18 /u/FartyMcNarty 2
18 /u/DemonBurritoCat 2
19 /u/terrarum 1
19 /u/overturned-rock 1
19 /u/madeintoronto 1
19 /u/gesnei 1
19 /u/briantology 1
19 /u/Freak5_5 1
19 /u/Antichess 1
19 /u/949paintball 1

It took 38 counters 1 days 12 hours 32 mins 31 secs to complete this thread. Bold is the user with the get

Here is a log of all the counts.

/r/counting Thread