2 meirl 4 me_irl

Let me tell you though that even though I do not directly share the same issues as the hypothetical person in the ladder that you mentioned, but that I myself may share the same pain. I can certainly tell you that I have not felt more pain than I have in these past two months. Why? All because I kissed someone. Oh but that's great! Why would you say that? Because I fell into a trap. I met this seemingly amazing girl while I was on vacation at a beach, and on my last night there I somehow met and hung out with this girl for 2 hours in what seemed to be a movie-like series of events. For the next 2 weeks we talked all day, everyday, and I fell for her hard. Needless to say, things fizzled out quickly and I still held on for 2 months until yesterday when one of my friends convinced me and challenged me to delete practically all connection with her.

I wish I hadn't met her. Because the pain from being so close to achieving what you finally search for, only to have it taken away slowly before your eyes? Unbearable. I wish it never happened.

/r/2meirl4meirl Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com