2 women who murdered a young girl fall to the ground and begin to squeal after they receive life in prison

Who said anything about the state mistreating them? I said I hope they suffer every day.

To be very specific: I hope it eats them alive inside and erodes away at their sanity. I hope they viscerally remember that innocent little girl screaming and crying for her mother, trembling and cowering in fear. I hope they picture her tiny body, mercilessly beaten on every inch but the soles of her feet, and think about how they tortured her until she stopped breathing, and I hope they feel everlasting shame for what they've done. I hope it plays like a movie every night in their dreams, and haunts them til their dying breath. And then, I hope that hell is real, and they burn for all of eternity. They deserve nothing less.

/r/JusticeServed Thread Parent Link - vidk.me