2-year-old boy accidentally shoots, kills himself with gun he took from grandma's purse: Officials

Ok, so maybe it was my fault for not setting up the hypothetical situation I'm running in my head.

If this is US government vs US citizen this isn't war. I'm not talking about fighting a war against a country working toward a goal where things need to handled strategically. China is a good example. Let say it's year 20XX and the US starts some sort of revolt/revolution. Let's also say it's to the point where the US government is going full on China and decides force is the way to end it. So with these assumptions the government is not worried about civilian casualties, since that's the point. The civilians are very unlikely to win.

This is all EXTREMELY unlikely to happen. Which kind of doubles down my point that every citizen having the right to assault weapons and power explosives serves no purpose in our real, non hypothetical world.

I am also not saying take the right away, just the source. No one outside of properly trained people in a line of work/duty where killing a human being may be the only option at conflict resolution should own such destructive weaponry.

Jim Bob doesn't need a grenade just as much as I do not need an assault rifle as far as defending myself from the government.

Having guns for self defense is a more grey line and lower power/fire rate weapons make more sense for civilians to have.

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