[20 m] My girlfriend [19 f] kissed her friend [18 f]

This is a double standard I have personal experience with and it REALLY pisses me off.

A lot of young immature girls seem to think it's really normal and funny to do this and it's not cheating, but if you were to kiss a guy friend it would really creep them out.

To cut a long story short, I was angry at a now ex for doing this so when I was drunk I kissed one of my best friends in petty revenge (I'm straight, it's pretty common university rugby banter to do this kind of stuff) just to prove a point. She sobbed that she couldn't believe I was secretly gay and cheated on her, all the while completely unable to see the irony in what she was saying.

It was a dumb thing of me to do but it proves a certain point.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, I guess what I really want to say is if you are not okay with this, don't let her walk all over you because you are well within your rights to be pissed off. It is cheating if it crosses your boundaries, and she doesn't get to decide what that is for you.

/r/relationships Thread