[20 Years Later] The Way the Apple Fell

I laugh, "You and me both, kid. You and me both. I've worked long enough with the Association and the Church to know that they're more like brothers than anything else."

"I've worked with and for the Association and the Church for many years now. I've seen both sides, and let me tell you, they're no different from each other. Just two sides of the same coin."

I take my glasses off and rub them clean, "Don't let these Church brats screw you over. I've been there before, both as said Church brat and magus. You are a Magus. Own up to it. So what they have Black Keys? You have Magecraft. Don't let them bring you down. It is unbecoming of a gentleman...Not that I'd have any experience with being a gentle man."

"Remember though that there are good people in the Church. People who may not have magic circuits, but still do their damn best to make sure that people are safe and sound. Personally, I know really good people in the Church," I said as I spot Sarah from the corner of my eye, "Yeah, really good people. The best there are."

I shake my head, wearing my glasses once again, "But where are my manners, I have not even introduced myself," I commented as I offered a hand to the boy, my 'umbrella' tucked under my arm, "I am Morgan de Auberon. Head of the House of Auberon. Charmed."

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