--- 2016 Day 21 Solutions ---

I got 288/246 today. That's my closest to Top 100. My solution in Scala. Brute forced part 2. ` package com.oxcarh.adventofcode2016

object Day21 extends App {

val input = Tools.loadDayInputAsText(day = 21)

var passwordInput = "abcdefgh"

val p1 = """rotate (right|left) (\d) step[s]*""".r val p2 = """swap position (\d) with position (\d)""".r val p3 = """rotate based on position of letter (\w)""".r val p4 = """swap letter (\w) with letter (\w)""".r val p5 = """reverse positions (\d) through (\d)""".r val p6 = """move position (\d) to position (\d)""".r

val scrambledPassword = input.split("\n").foldLeft(passwordInput) { (acc, line) => line match { case p1(direction, steps) => rotate(acc, direction, steps.toInt) case p2(position1, position2) => swapPosition(acc, position1.toInt, position2.toInt) case p3(letter) => rotateOnLetterPosition(acc, letter) case p4(letter1, letter2) => swapLetter(acc, letter1, letter2) case p5(position1, position2) => reversePositions(acc, position1.toInt, position2.toInt) case p6(position1, position2) => movePosition(acc, position1.toInt, position2.toInt) case _ => acc } }

println(s"Solution 1: $scrambledPassword")

val passwordInput2 = "fbgdceah" implicit val passwordPermutations = "abcdefgh".toCharArray.permutations.map(_.mkString).toArray

val unscrambledPassword = input.split("\n").reverse.foldLeft(passwordInput2) { (acc, line) => line match { case p1(direction, steps) => reverseRotate(acc, direction, steps.toInt) case p2(position1, position2) => swapPosition(acc, position1.toInt, position2.toInt) case p3(letter) => reverseRrotateOnLetterPosition(acc, letter) case p4(letter1, letter2) => swapLetter(acc, letter1, letter2) case p5(position1, position2) => reversePositions(acc, position1.toInt, position2.toInt) case p6(position1, position2) => reverseMovePosition(acc, position1.toInt, position2.toInt) case _ => acc } }

println(s"Solution 2: $unscrambledPassword")

def rotate(s: String, direction: String, steps: Int): String = { if (steps == 0) s else { direction match { case "left" => rotate(s.tail + s.head, direction, steps - 1) case "right" => rotate(s.takeRight(1) + s.dropRight(1), direction, steps - 1) case _ => s } } }

def reverseRotate(s: String, direction: String, steps: Int): String = { direction match { case "left" => rotate(s, "right", steps) case "right" => rotate(s, "left", steps) case _ => s } }

def swapPosition(s: String, position1: Integer, position2: Integer): String = { val (p1, p2) = orderPositions(position1, position2) val slice1 = if (p1 > 0) s.slice(0, p1) else "" val slice2 = s(p1) val slice3 = if (p2 > p1 + 1) s.slice(p1 + 1, p2) else "" val slice4 = s(p2) val slice5 = if (p2 < s.length - 1) s.slice(p2 + 1, s.length) else "" slice1 + slice4 + slice3 + slice2 + slice5 }

def rotateOnLetterPosition(s: String, letter: String): String = { val p = s.indexOf(letter) val steps = 1 + p + { if (p >= 4) 1 else 0 } rotate(s, "right", steps) }

def reverseRrotateOnLetterPosition(s: String, letter: String)(implicit passwordPermutations: Array[String]): String = { passwordPermutations .filter(rotateOnLetterPosition(_, letter) == s) .head }

def swapLetter(s: String, l1: String, l2: String): String = { val p1 = s.indexOf(l1) val p2 = s.indexOf(l2) swapPosition(s, p1, p2) }

def reversePositions(s: String, position1: Int, position2: Int): String = { val (p1, p2) = orderPositions(position1, position2) val slice1 = if (p1 > 0) s.slice(0, p1) else "" val slice2 = s.slice(p1, p2 + 1).reverse val slice3 = if (p2 < s.length - 1) s.slice(p2 + 1, s.length) else "" slice1 + slice2 + slice3 }

def movePosition(s: String, position1: Int, position2: Int): String = { val letter = s(position1) val tmp = s.slice(0, position1) + s.slice(position1 + 1, s.length) tmp.slice(0, position2) + letter + tmp.slice(position2, s.length) }

def reverseMovePosition(s: String, position1: Int, position2: Int): String = movePosition(s, position2, position1)

def orderPositions(p1: Int, p2: Int): (Int, Int) = { if (p1 < p2) (p1, p2) else (p2, p1) }



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