2016 Democratic National Convention - Day 1

Are you fucking kidding me. This is what i fought and bled for with eight years in the service. Two shithead candidates that pander and fucking jerk themselves off. Totally worth it America. There's a disabled fucking woman on the screen in an attempt to just further...I'm frustrated.

We went into the military thinking we were helping and bringing the United States to a new generation of safety and competence. A lot of dads never came home for nothing. I know this doesn't matter, it'll get buried in the landslide of comments in this shit-hole of a thread, but I can't believe where we're at today. This absolutely must be the low point of our nation. Both sides are fucking imbeciles in their own ways, and it doesn't really matter who the fuck we elect, does it?

I've tried to find anything that either party have proposed (that they'll follow through on) that I agree with. I guess the problem is that I don't think either party will do shit for anyone but themselves.

Maybe this election isn't supposed to be for me.

Maybe I'm just jaded.

/r/politics Thread