The 2017 Vikings are not the same team as the 1998, 2009, etc... Vikings

Philosophy and football, two of my favorite things in one place <3. I'm very big on Existentialism/Absurdism/Nihilism (because I'm a pretentious hipster lol), so I naturally find a way to relate those branches of philosophy to other schools of thought that aren't as all-encompassing. However I do think that the questions at hand could fit pretty well within those three philosophies. Consciousness is also just a subject that I've heavily doused in absurdist perception.

Absurdism (my favorite of the three) can be briefly defined as: The belief that the universe is irrational and meaningless and that the search for order brings the individual into conflict with the universe. (This may sound really depressing and hopeless, but there's a certain beauty in everything being a blank slate).

So really, what makes you "you" in the first place? What the hell is consciousness? Without any inherit meaning, what separates you and your thoughts from literally everything else in the universe? To quote the great Jim Carrey, "I used to be a guy who was experiencing the world, and now I feel like the world and the universe experiencing a guy". Basically through his many years of acting, he came to the realization that his own identity was/is a thin fabrication, much like the roles he played on stage. Consciousness/control over yourself aren't really defined by your identity, or your memories, or your opinions, or anything that you believe. Consciousness just is. If you had your memories erased, your consciousness would not be removed, you would still exist. "You" aren't a static and constant identity. "You" are your consciousness at its most fundamental level.

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