2020-2022 First time home buyers

Lol, way to ask the most biased and leading question ever.

Let me flip that for you.

I know many many wait and see-ers decided to wait and see. Are you worried that all those FTHBs are now going to be stuck in underwater homes that they can't sell because their interest rate too good and monthly too low, forcing you to keep renting and living in that apartment you hate until your landlord raises your rent to a point where you have to move back into your mom's basement and shitpost on the Reddit?

If you were going to troll, you could have at least waited to make the /r/REBubble post. https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/comments/vbqa0n/20202022_first_time_home_buyers/

/r/RealEstate Thread