$20K - Father is strongly suggesting two funds in Vanguard (VTSAX and VBMFX).

Alright, just curious what other types of account(s) you're planning on putting it into since you can only put $5500 per year into an IRA. Are you planning on slowly transitioning it from a normal brokerage account to an IRA over the next several years?

If you'd rather quickly get it into a tax advantaged account and are employed somewhere that offers a 401k you might consider living off the cash while maxing your 401k contributions.

Assuming you had $14k to invest toward retirement, an example would be if you make $48k your monthly would be $4k with a take home of roughly $2.8k. If you changed your contribution to 50% (of your gross paycheck) your new take home would be $1.4k with $2k going to retirement each month (50% of $4k). You would make up the difference in take home by taking $1.4k from your $14k every month. You would do this for 10 months. At the end you would have $0 left to be invested and $20k (10 months * $2k/mo) invested.

You could also do this if your employer offers a Roth 401k and the exchange would be $ for $ instead of ~1:0.7.

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