[20M] Starting to see what you guys mean

it seems like a hard pill to swallow

It is, to a blue pill mindset. However, accepting the truth and learning the nature of women was the most empowering journey of my life.

My experience with TRP started when my LTR broke up with me and then jumped on another cock immediately. I adored that girl (and I thought she adored me)and I couldn’t understand what had went wrong. And thus began my journey down the road of TRP all the way back in 2013(14?).

Here’s the thing, it was hard to accept a lot of the core elements of TRP, I’d never been terrible with women, I’d always been able to get dates and get sex, but like you and others I desired an LTR, and maybe even kids. I didn’t want to “give that up” and I didn’t want to believe my ex was AWALT, and I didn’t want to admit her leaving might have been my fault. But I lurked and read and eventually started posting. I have log since deleted that account so don’t bother checking my history but I assure you I’ve been here off an on for a long time.

I’m not going to hand feed you the red pill about women (and no one else here will either), that’s on you to take that step and make the effort to learn and stab with it, but I can offer a light at the end of the tunnel. TRP is a great many things to a great many guys, but he core message is the same, it speaks to the nature of the female mind and it reminds us that here not like men and most importantly: AWALT. Once you reach a point in acceptance and understanding regarding he nature of women, you’ll find you not only understand them, but that you appreciate them for what they are. You learn how to manage them and you become an object of their affections for what you offer them. Talking to them, getting them wet, making them want you all becomes easy and natural, and you find yourself l having the option of swimming in pussy, and this is where you’re empowered to find a woman who is worthy of being your mate.

See, women do not love men in the way men love women. In fact, a woman cannot love a man she hasn’t submitted to. A woman’s love always comes from “looking up” to the object of heir affections. It’s deeply rooted in a primal need to be assured that the person they’re with will protect and care for them, that they can let go of the control and settle into the nest and safely birth children. When you understand and truly internalize this, then you’re the kind of man a woman can love (and will want to love). So, accepting this you’ll soon understand that if you don’t understand and accept this reality about feminine nature, then you’re literally unloveable.

/r/asktrp Thread Parent