21 struggling with sexuality

Well on the brightside being bi means there's a good chance you won't even have to come out since you're most likely to just end up in a straight relationship.

However don't stress it, I know it's hard but remember it's natural and completely normal, homosexuality has been observed in basically every social species and if there's homophobic people around you, friends or parents, you can always not tell them, they don't have to know, do straight people tell their parents they're straight? No, so why should we? it's none of their business, there's no reason to be stressed about it anyways cause as I said you'll end up in a straight relationship about 8/10 times or 9/10 times and no one needs to know about your hook ups or flings, why should they? and in the off chance that you end up in a long term relationship with someone of the same sex, just introduce them to your friends and whoever can't deal with it you unfriend and when you're a very serious couple you might even think about introducing them to your parents, but again, no stress, most people are understanding of parents being shitty in gay/lesbian relationships.

This shouldn't be a reason to stress about you're normal and you're so much more than just bi, this does not define you, this is just many of the things you're, remember that and if someone has a problem with what's a very little part of you that doesn't affect them at all, fuck them.

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