21F anyone wants to watch movies together?

I'm on SSDI, and I spend my time watching TV and movies. I live alone and don't have any family nor friends. It's because they took huge advantage of me. So now I've been living alone for four years and I'm doing much better.

I'm a schizoaffective, bipolar one, borderline personality disorder, manic depressive disorder, slightly agoraphobic, PTSD, OCD, hoarding (which my place is now clean, everyday! Lol.) and paranoia.

I'm on great meds, and you would never really know that my mind is pretty damaged.

I'm 38, M, white, non religious, I smoke weed all day everyday, I'm terribly nice to a fault, and I love to talk about movies and TV. I like text and live chat. I'm very up beat and I try to be super positive. I try and smile all day everyday.

I'd love to get to know you and see if our personalities click. I've never watched movies with anyone on the net, but what the heck, my as well give it a try.

I like all types of movies. I haven't seen: no time to die (007), the house of Gucci, and the new Ghostbusters (I have it preordered on Xfinity). But they are high on my list.

My favorite movie of all time is: "Milo and Otis".

Anyways, hit me up if you think we'd be a good match to watch movies together.

/r/MakeNewFriendsHere Thread