(21M) Asian straight: Constructive feedback is appreciated.

If you just need a quick fix then just use the beach pic and delete everything else and keep all the other commentary non-existent or just job-related bio. What you have right now is just way too much for the general dating market

  • You're casting a very small net with the anime stuff since the general dating pool you're in is much broader
  • Is the "I'll fall for you" stuff really a deal-breaker? if it's not then just get rid of that question/answer
  • You're weird and that's totally okay, just no need to show all of it at once bro and definitely not online where there is no context
    • Side note: Girls dig seeing guys who are passionate about something, but you have to show it in person and explain how/why it has improved your life and adds value to you and what you offer.
      • Here's an example (not mine): I'm passionate about anime because of the level of detail that goes into producing the content (the hundreds of people involved in production and distribution), it takes an extreme level of dedication that I really admire and use as motivation in my career and fitness goals
  • Women are inundated with matches/messages, Getting a match is just the starting point nowadays to be quite honest and it's just a numbers game from this point on so the solution is just to get more matches (by improving your profile and casting a wider net) and not dwell or get frustrated if you're ghosted
  • It doesn't really matter what you message just get to the point (a date), I sometimes ask something as simple as "Do you prefer coffee black or with creamer *Kermit sipping tea emoji*?" then after her answer (usually "black" or "I don't drink coffee") I follow it up with "great, then I know just the coffee shop/bar for our date" which usually gets a positive response and from there I say "how's X day at Y time" then I switch to my phone #
    • The whole point of this is to get her offline, so don't spend too much time messaging and get to the point that you want to get to know her in person
    • I'm direct and forward on purpose, yes I could spend more time chatting but once you get a lot of matches (which based on your looks you can do) you should just be interested in saving the conversations for when you meet in person
    • If she doesn't respond favorably or says she wants more time to chat/video chat or w/e then it's at your discretion if you want to continue chatting or not, I personally don't continue
      • Why? My profile is pretty good, has a lot of cool travel photos, I'm in good shape/looks, have a strong career and educational background, and also I have my IG connected on there so she can see that as well, so if that's not enough to have her curious to want to meet me then no worries, move on

Hope this helps, there's a lot of really cool women out there on Hinge, You just have to cast a wider net and make some adjustments to your profile/messaging process and you should be good, best bro.

/r/hingeapp Thread