21M and still no girlfriend

Oh you are a woman? I hear LGTB dating is harder. I'm sorry to hear that.

And no. I was really ugly at 308lbs.

Fitting with random women doesn't work because most of us don't wanna be hit on my strangers.

I met my husband on tinder.

The more you get down about your looks the worse it's gonna get. Get hobbies and become happy with yourself.

You can't find someone to love you until you genuinely love yourself.

And again, take my word for it. We aren't all a hive mind. We don't think alike. We are individual people with needs and feelings and responsibilities just like you! So chin up! Come on over to askwomen sometime and just read a few of the stories, or go to creepypms to see that no, we don't like the guys that try to pick us up, or send dick pics or the guys with the biggest dicks.

It doesn't matter how hot a guy is either. Another thing you guys claim is that any man under 5'10" is fucked. My husband is 5'6". He is socially awkward and quiet and terrible with romance as well. But he treated me as an equal with an equal mind.

You've got this. Positive thinking for the win

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