22-28 year old devs: rank these following factors from 1-10 on how important they are to you when looking for a job.

Here is mine 1-10

  1. Location: I want to work in the city

  2. total compensation package( salary, signing bonus, equity): Show me the $$$

  3. commute time: i would hate anything longer than a 35 min commute

  4. even male to female ratio: working on a mostly male office sucks, especially in your 20s.

  5. *work-life balance: *putting it at 5 because i dont mind working 50 hours a week if 1-4 are in place.

  6. difficulty of work: doubt ill ever have a challenging job, but if i do ill embrace it. Either way ill work hard, so i dont care as much, but care a little.

  7. extra perks: free lunch and great PTO is great and all, but cherry on the topping.

  8. tech stack: either i use the stack i know (comfort), or learn a brand new stack which i can add to my resume (growth), win-win

  9. company innovation: could care less about AI/ML, blockchain, etc

  10. *other: *: My other would be after-work events, which would be cool once in a while, but i put it at #10 because i don't want to fall in the corporate trap of befriending too many co-workers

/r/cscareerquestions Thread