A 22% rise in share values since 2016 is directly attributable to Republican-passed tax cuts, boosting the U.S. wealth gap.

Charge the guy making $50 million a year 50% and you allow hundreds to get medical care, access to better/higher education, and labor support. In turn this boosts all of society, improving the economy and in turn helping the millionaire make more money. Benefit the whole instead of the few, the few still prosper.

The times of greatest prosperity have always correlated with high taxes in US society. Tax cuts are like cocaine, you feel great for a few minutes then you crash hard, boom and bust economy.

I say this as an attorney in a big city, I’m single still so I would stand to lose a lot with tax increases, but I’m willing to make that sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. I’m a first generation American, I think it’s the least I can do as recompense for what I have received.

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