I (22f) can't keep being your maid.

This all would have sounded normal to me at your age. At 38 It sounds like a nightmare! Why? Because Im not a bright eye kid anymore. You see him as immature with time to grow still, you two are venturing out on your own.

Only no, that isn't what is going on. You have a leech. You have a manbaby. You are dating a drug addict. A man who can not hod a job. A man who can't take responsibility for himself let alone you.

He is absolutely not the person who will lift you up and make you a better person.

This isn't abusive... Yet.

It might get abusive when you take away paying his bills, and cleaning his house, and wiping his ass, and move out. He sounds like the kind of dude that will punch a hole in the wall.

Also do not keep the cat. And don't give him the opportunity for him to keep it. This man has every intention of getting you pregnant to lock you down and guilt you into staying with him. Re-home the cat immediately and move out.

/r/relationship_advice Thread