I (22F) got into a fight with my (25M) Boyfriend Because I still won't have sex with him even after a year of dating

Your options are;

  1. End the whole thing, it doesn’t sound like either of you are happy anyways, and you might not be sexually compatible with one another.

  2. Compromise; sexual acts without sexual intercourse, such as oral sex or hand stuff (but DO NOT just give, he has to do something for you too) to meet him in the middle. Only do this If you truly want to/are curious about it/want to keep the relationship alive because you genuinely love him and would like to do sex but don’t know where to begin , do NOT do this if you are asexual, or if you genuinely don’t want to have sex with him in any way. But keep in mind, if you go this route he’s eventually going to want more so this may only be a temporary solution. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you eventually want to have sexual intercourse with him and just don’t know where to begin.

Also know that he’s wrong to assume sex/think you owe him sex as sex should only happen when both people want it. THERES NOTHING WRING WITH NOT WANTING TO HAVE SEX. A lot of men are going to guilt trip you, don’t feel like you owe anyone anything. Also a lot of men are going to expect to have sex with you, so if you choose option 1 I would recommend establishing boundaries at the very beginning with the men you see after him that you aren’t interested in sex, to save yourself from the same thing happening over and over again

/r/relationship_advice Thread