I(22F) do not like my coworker (32f). Am i just being mean?

She sounds tedious. But you're in close quarters, and it's just the two of you, and you probably do plenty of shit that annoys her (that she later complains about to a friend). That's just the nature of it, you know?

We're all made up of our fair share of asshole/annoying twit, and we all tend to hyper-focus on how that other dude over there is way worse than us.

It doesn't make you mean. I wouldn't want to hang out with her, going on your description, but I've certainly encountered worse.

The best think you do in this situation, most likely, is upgrade your communication skills (this is never a bad solution, ever, no matter how adept you may already be or what the problem is)--if you need resources, I can point you towards a few books--and pick up mindfulness meditation. Helps you be less reactive to the "OMFG YOU'RE ANNOYING" triggers.

Meditation has helped me avoid many a "Hello, yes, I find you unbearably annoying and wish to inform you of it as colorfully as possible" encounters.

/r/relationships Thread