I (22M) have been having sex with my mom's friends (37F, 40F) for the past two months

So they explained to me that they were just hanging out and drinking a bit and invited me to stay and drink with them and said if I got too drunk I could sleep in the extra room. So I say yes and we proceed to play drinking games, take shots, and just generally hang out. They're both flirting with a me a good amount and the conversations get progressively more sexual. Way later into the night the one who owns the house suggests we go drink out back and can chill in the hot tub. Me and the other woman both say how we don't have swimsuits and it goes in the exact route I hopped it would, as in the first woman suggests we just go in our underwear. So we all strip down (they're both in thongs) and we head outside. At that point they start commenting on each other's bodies and teasing each other. Until one of them makes fun of the other for having fake breasts and how she's 'all natural' (at this point we're all pretty drunk). So as if on cue the older one pulls out her tits and starts asking me if they even look fake to me. After that they both start asking me to say who's body looks better, who's breasts/ass feels better, and before I knew it we were making out and then we all fucked on the deck

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