[22M] my girlfriend [19F] requested something and of me now I feel controlled

Put yourself in your girlfriend's shoes though. Imagine she was Facebook friends with a really hot, muscular guy with a Facebook feed that is full of him with his 8-inch, girthy dick out, shirtless, biting his lips, flexing his 6-pack. Then, you learn that she doesn't even know this guy, never met him.

The fact of the matter is that you look really shady here. You have zero memories or emotional ties with this woman, and yet you have an issue with removing her from your Facebook.

Like, I understand what you're saying. You feel like this is one step from her asking you to remove any and every pretty girl from your Facebook. But trust me, to your girlfriend, it looks like you keep that girl on Facebook so that you can masturbate to her.

The issue here is that this girl is a stranger. If this is the hill you want your relationship to die on, then sure. Go ahead. But, ask yourself--has she shown any other red flag controlling behaviour? Or is she reasonably drawing a line towards this one thing because it's inappropriate?

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