23[M] Am I ugly or am I terrible with people?

I get really frustrated when it comes to groups. There is always some set of group to where it feels like no one acts like themselves, sometimes I feel like everyone is a sociopath sometimes. A lot of people are just predictable and frustrating it seems like.

There are all these groups of stereotypes that I don't fit in to. I'm not religious. I'm not into most frat boy activities. I tried going to a gym cause maybe I'd meet people, and I was laughed at by a couple guys wearing Avenged Sevenfold t-shirts. So, now I just work out at home. I love music but every musician I meet seems to think they are the reincarnation of Elvis. Most gamers are just assholes online anymore.

With women I see stereotypical things all the time that makes me just not want to bother. There are the types of girls that are what I call the "athletic type", seems like that's all they really care about in life. There are the girls that only seem to watch netflix and have no interests. There are the girls that are "feminist" (Which I'm all for equality) just the ones I meet seem to be very rude and mean. For example: The other day I was talking to a girl similar to this she had something in her profile about "Not liking men that wear makeup". I said a joke about how every guy enjoys wearing lipstick from time to time. She responds with "That sentence was annoying and blase. Try again." It felt like she was trying to have some sort of intelligence competition about how clever she is and I'm not. When all I wanted to do was joke around :\

I try not to stereotype people cause I know it's one of my downfalls, but when I see it happening all the time it's a bit hard not to. If you can't tell I don't have a lot of friends either. I try to shrug it off and be social. It just never seems to work. Then I just shut myself in a box.

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