23 months and still going strong. Love this little face poking out of the duvet

My MIL just had the audacity to blame (at least part) of Husband and I’s marital problems on baby still nursing and cosleeping with us. He’s 20ish months.

Like extended nursing has no benefits at all, I’m just doing it to spoil him. (And ruin my marriage)

Honestly I wanted to wean him at 18 months, but then husband would have to put him to bed every night for a while/sleep with him exclusively to break the association (that was my idea anyways). Guess what, husband hasn’t volunteered. So it’s my fault clearly.

Baby’s gotten like 2 colds in his life, and is a sweet, super smart young boy.

I know I’ll probably have to initiate the weaning but damn, didn’t need to be given that burden.

/r/breastfeeding Thread Link - i.redd.it