23-year-old youth in quarantine refuses to eat food prepared by Dalit cook

Well I would refrain from arguing further as i accept I am not as well read on this topic , and it only ever crossed my mind due to this post, also I don't have time due to a fuckton of pending assignments here. Anyways , thanks for the knowledge you provided, but I still don't understand how someone who is financially privileged but just so happens to be from a lower caste hence gets a huge boost in his entrance ranks , while say some guy from a village whose whole family is uneducated and poor and he still doesn't get that same boost in his ranks just because he happens to be in a "general cast". I do understand that reservation system is not a poverty alleviation scheme , but it was made to give more opportunities to the people who suffer due their ancestors not being given fair chances and hence they being in a position that they are disadvantaged against someone who is reaping the benifits of the added apportunities their ancestors had. But still the problem with putting a blanket over an entire section of the society is that , many needy people will not get the required help which other people in similar situation are rightfully getting but also many people who just so happens to be above that blanket but don't need it still get it.

/r/india Thread Parent Link - timesnownews.com