I [23F] found an open condom on the side of my boyfriends [23M] bed and we have never used that one before..

Clearly, you don’t trust him. With what you have mentioned about the condom wrapper, eyelashes, if shit is old it ends up getting covered in dust particles. To me if something is old or has been there for a minute it’s pretty clear. were these fresh lashes? Was that a new condom? I feel as if you are questioning all this because you know he is lying in your gut about something, but he is a smooth talker so you are not sure about what just yet.

This relationship is going downhill fast and he is not the only culprit. You are controlling him & his property. There is nothing wrong with holding onto stuff like that in my opinion- if that’s what he wants to do. Every other girlfriend of his didn’t go to the lengths that you did to rid him of something that he had been holding onto, collecting, probably cherishing from time to time. I don’t see this home made porn as a bad thing or showing in anyway he is not committed to the relationship at hand. Maybe ask him to get a respectable lock box to put them up and away, but to delete them all? I feel he may resent you a little bit for that. Who doesn’t think about their past now & then? I think it’s okay to have a memory box, etc, but it should be between you two when or if it comes out when your SO is around. Some are comfortable enough in their relationship that an album on a phone or whatever isn’t a problem, but if you start looking at it in front of me I may feel awkward type of deal. Heck me personally if you had a hot ex I might use it as spank bank material for myself. The fact that he was open & honest about what he had alone says a lot. Most dudes just do a better job at hiding their trinkets from the past- in my experience anyways. I think it’s mostly a female perspective to destroy all evidence of the past & pretend it didn’t happen.

/r/relationships Thread