[23F] my boyfriend [24M] is low key sexist...?

It’s not his home country. He lived there briefly.

So he really knows what's going on back there /s

I honestly feel like it’s more of an immaturity thing. He never really had to grow up until the past two years. He basically grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Stop making excuses for him. He's 24 and should know better. He's a sexist. As long as he doesn't realise and changes his behaviour etc., he'll continue being a sexist.

She was very manipulative, cheated 2/4 of the years they were together. She kept him around by saying she was pregnant over and over, socially isolating him and he was scared to a point where he was vomiting like 4 times a day from stress

So what? Browse a bit through reddit. Tons of people are in abusive relationships and they still aren't sexist. How should these two be related? Why's it okay for him to say "no" to be penetrated, but not really for you?

I think that shaped him to be quite fearful of women in general.

Then he should be in therapy, working through his issue. If this is the case, he shouldn't be in a relationship.

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