I (23M) think my girlfriend (23F) is lying about being pregnant.

IF she refuses to do a pregnancy test in front of you and makes you seem like the bad guy, this is insanely fishy behaviour. I'm not a woman but say my partner wanted me to do an STD test with them, and there was an easy piss-on-a-stick instant view test for them (that doesn't involve getting sent off to the lab like normal) then I would totally do it so they could see it even if I had just done one recently! For their peace of mind, easy peasy. She's getting really defensive over what is just peeing on a stick...like unnaturally defensive. When is her next appointment? Can you back out of moving after you've moved in? Would you have taken/moved for that job anyway? Think about these things, maybe postpone it if you're concerned, at least until the next appointment anyway. If she is faking be prepared for her to "have a miscarriage" between now and the appointment date, now that she knows you're going to the appointment. If she's pretty happy for you to come along to the appointment, then I'd have no reason to distrust her at the moment. The printer thing is a weird excuse but could be plausible. It's just if she doesn't want you to come, gets defensive, refuses to take a pregnancy test with you there and gets upset about doing it to deflect the blame onto you, then it's definitely time to look for your own apartment.

/r/relationships Thread