I [24/F] have depression and anxiety and often go to my sister [22/F] for support. She says she wants to help but also confessed to me that whenever I go to her, she just wants to leave and not deal with me.

I agree with most of what you're saying but seriously? Threatening to kill myself to garner attention?

I'm not doing it for attention fuck anybody who says that.

Alright, so I'll never tell somebody I want to kill myself again because omg, they're going to think I'm doing it for attention. Do you even hear yourself? Do you even know what such a claim can do to somebody?

I've done this before. I've had a suicidal thought and not told somebody. Kept it to myself. Was embarrassed. Didn't tell my therapist. He was so proud of me because I was doing so well. Felt embarrassed to tell him that I had a suicidal thought again. You think I fucking do it for attention? It's one of the reasons I dont tell people because they might think I'm doing it for attention. Because of people like you who tell people they're doing it for attention.


You can't tell me to not threaten to kill myself for attention and then tell me not to kill myself. I'm just doing it for attention remember?

You're right though. Maybe I was too hard on her sometimes when she was really trying to help. I will apologize to her for this right now and thank her.

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