24 y/o. Asked my dad to cut my hair(b/c of quarantine) and it came out much shorter than I'm used to, calling attention to my receding hairline (which I'm insecure about, naturally) and my forehead (which I'm paranoid is huge. I've basically stopped trusting my self-perception).

Who said he is even interested in women? I mean I am assuming you're trolling, but if you are seriously trying to help, you aren't doing a very good job. People's self worth shouldn't be based on petty people's perception of them on the internet. But you are probably just an ass considering you post things like telling an indian dude that in looks he was,"Top 1% Indian aka average looking person on a global scale." So you're racist. No surprise though considering your opinions on jewish people, which these are only snippets of, so excuse if its only a slight bit of your racist rants. You first started with," All of the pro trans/lgbt, pro-whore, pro-abortion, pro mass immigration, anti family white degeneracy propaganda is spouted by jewish owned media companies." Later on you say things like, "the plight of modern day white countries has been orchestrated by these parasites (jewish people) that have been trying to.." subvert and destroy white people"

So youre anti gay people, anti trans people, maybe white supremacist, definitely racist, you think women having sexual freedom makes them whores, you don't like immigration, or presumably immigrants either, and are severely hateful towards jewish people. You are a sucky sucky person my fine sir. Mind you this was just a quick look at your comment history. You also say to women you want to punch them and call them sluts, and then have them make you a sandwich.

He should not care at all what you think of him. From what I am able to gather, you are probably some early to late twenties white guy who got bullied in high school for being wimpy, probably had some issues with your father, ended up being around a bunch of racist people growing up, then you hit the gym, and probably only gained ab 25 pounds of muscle, but you still think you're swole anyways. You probably are either a virgin, or you got some girl drunk enough to want to have sex with you, and so now you think you are some sort of chick magnet alpha man. But youre not. In fact you have such fragile masculinity you feel the need to put women down, and insult men who you deem lesser than you. You want everything to be traditional so you make make some poor girl feel trapped in a marriage with you because that's the only way someone would ever be around you for long, or want to sleep with you more than once. You are the biggest incel I have ever seen.

I hope this guy doesn't listen to you. You're a dick

/r/amiugly Thread