24f.. I feel like I'm hideous, random men scream that I'm ugly, and the girls I know say that my weight loss made me uglier and look old..is plastic surgery the only way I can be happy?

Clearly you’re a kind, considerate, rational person. There’s nothing you’ve done that would warrant the treatment you described in your post. No one deserves to be name-called or physically attacked, while outnumbered, by a group of men. These things are abject, shitty human behavior and they’d affect anyone negatively. You’re actually quite beautiful and you have unique facial features and skin tone. Plus, you lost 50 pounds, which i’d guess over half of overweight people don’t have the discipline to follow through with. If I may be presumptuous, judging by the tone of your writing, I think you might be an INFJ. It’s a personality type, and if you’re curious what it means, check out Meyers Briggs typology and try an online test. It might help you understand your personality and develop some pride in yourself! (I’m not saying you don’t have any, I’m saying you deserve to be proud of yourself!) I hope you can recognize that you’re good looking and you deserve normal, respectful treatment!

/r/amiugly Thread