24f Hi. I am a wife. I primarily function as a washing machine.

You're right. There's a definite possibility he may have low T. I haven't been able to explore the option because it's impossible to get him to do shit like going to the doctor. I basically have to make the appointment if i want him to go and so fuck's sake Satan help me i am not making his doctors appointments. I have drawn a line there. But I might be able to pester him into it. Part of why he won't go for his sleep apnea is becaus he doesn't want to know what the doctors are going to say to him about his sleep because he will have to accept the terrifying reality i have been trying to impart upon him for years, which is that he literally chokes and stops breathing between snores before snoring himself back to life. Realizing he actually know sthis to be a fact but refuses to have it diagnosed because that makes it real gives me little hope in general.

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