(24f) watched really degrading porn video, feel a bit in shock and generally depressed

It sounds like its part of your psyche in general that you emphaise more than most people do, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's like watching your favorite TV show or movie and actually getting emotional over them for whatever reason. What can make it negative is if the feelings linger and begin to change you because you cannot separate the real world from the fiction. One example that I can think of that I remember speaking on in college was an episode of mash which was a show about medical personnel in the Korean War . Now I'm only 27 but my mother always watched it and I watched it with her. One of the final episodes dealt with the main character realizing he suppressed a painful memory of the war and it was the cause of his PTSD. It did nothing for menbacknthen. But now my fiancée has PTSD and it give me strong emotional feelings every time, sometimes to the point where I can't watch it because I feel so sad. It's similar but there's got to be separation between real life and fiction. It took me a bit to separate the two. I hope this helps. Sorry for the long rant.

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