The 25 Best Albums of 2021 so far (Paste)

Do you like recent stuff by Radiohead? Most journalists do. There hasn’t been a more Moon Shaped Pool-like album in the history of popular music than Ignorance. Strip away the bigotry around assuming female vocal = sophisti “pop” and male = art “rock” , and it’s exactly the same jazzy soft ‘70s psych folk sound, same fatalistic yet not entirely despairing climate grief message and style, all without ever directly ripping off Radiohead (possibly even without being influenced by them). I would even argue it may be better than AMSP (despite being slightly less varied—AMSP does throw a few musical curve balls) because AMSP is fundamentally insincere, a maudlin suite of my-dearest-wife-I-kinda-but-not-really-regret-cheating-on-you-with-a-twentysomething-while-you-died-of-cancer songs that has been masterfully, yet falsely, marketed as a woke concept album on Brexit, Trump and/or rising sea levels, whereas (dweeby as it is) Tamara Lindeman ackshually seems to give a shit about rising sea levels and feel genuine grief over that. So, yeah, Ignorance is better than anything “the best indie band in the world” has done in a decade. I would say that’s more than enough to deserve to be in a “best indie music” list or two.

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