I [25 F] feel like my fiance [29 M] of 7 years has expressed insecurity again in our relationship and that worries me

Clarification (correct me if I'm wrong): - I have no problem with being in an open relationship. I wanted to communicate that with him just so he knows he's got the 'ok' from me if he was ever interested at all. Just wanted him to know it was an option that I'm okay with. Either way I'll respect his decision! :)

  • I guess I could clarify this a little better, my bad. Whenever he wants to have sex, he's always the one to choose when. Whenever I want to have sex, I have to wait, or it's considered a bad time. Most of the time, he's the one asking for it and I'm like "well, if I don't get it now, I'll probably won't get it anytime soon." I know it sounds sort of negative, but when it comes to intamacy I've recognized that I'm powerless.

  • as for the cheating part, I can understand that. It takes time to grow from trauma like that. I felt we had grown together from that moment and when checking in with him about it he's told me that he's good. I always assure him that if at any point he gets scared or worries to just let me know so we can address it.

  • true about the ending result here. I'm hoping this is just another bump on the road. I really do love him but the longer we keep doing this the more it starts to wear at me. It can definitely be exhausting. In the end I can't beat a dead horse. Or whatever the saying is.

  • link me or let me know what this condition is. I'd love to know more about it if you ever find it!

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