[25/M] Soon to be married. Any advice on how to be a great husband?

Don't listen to these people telling you it's weird you've never fought. You found a good match with whom you have great communication and conflict resolution skills, congrats!

In nearly six years my husband and I have never fought. Don't listen to people telling you that's bad. There's nothing bad about calm and rational conflict resolution.

My husband is an amazing partner. If you'd like advice from a very happy wife on what he had done to be so great, please read on.

Cuddling/physical touch is important. Not just foreplay or after play, but just because, to feel closer to her. We have a cuddle alarm set to go of ten minutes before he gets up for work. We make sure get in at least ten quality cuddle minutes a day.

He works from home and I'm a housewife so we see each other a lot. He will come out of his office periodically to give me a hug and a kiss and tell me he's thinking of me. He hides little notes around the house for me to find ranging from silly to super romantic. He sets slams in my phone when I'm sleeping that go off and say things like "you are awesome!" While I'm out running errands.

He frequently compliments me on nearly everything but my favorite compliment is when he says "thank you for being you".

He listens to me. Like really listens. Even when I'm rambling about something dumb, if it's important to me he listens and comments on it.

He's incredibly sportive in anything I do. He gives constructive criticism and helps me achieve my goals. He's the Team Cloberella cheerleader.

He's incredibly grateful and takes nothing about me for granted. He compliments every meal I cook and thanks me for it. Despite me being a housewife he frequently thanks me for all my " hard work " and make a point to acknowledge all I do for us. He frequently tells me he wouldn't have meet with all the success he has if I hadn't been in his corner all these years.

He never talks down to me, even when I'm out of my depth. He will ask for my advice on his problems at work or whatnot and even though I am not familiar with his field, he listens to my thoughts and values my opinion.

Basically he makes sure I know I am his equal, his partner and that he wouldn't want to live his life without me by his side.

Never give up on showing appreciation and putting effort in. We've been together six years and he still treats me the same as when we first stated dating.

Your marriage will be as happy as the two of you care to make it.

/r/relationships Thread