25 years ago today during her performance on SNL, Snead O'Connor called out the Catholic churches pedophile culture. It was viewed as a radical stance at that time.

Yup and she also talked about war, and classism, and racism in the song.

At no point were did the lyrics explicitly say "hey this song is about the Catholic Church who I have a beef with for raping kids". Instead she sang a fairly (for its day) typical song about wanting the world to be a better place, and then ripped up a picture of the Pope.

And not just any Pope, John Paul II. The guy that was praised by the media for standing up to nazis in Poland (he didn't), The guy famous for forgiving them man who tried to assassinate him, the guy who toured stadiums the world around with millions of adoring fans. JP2 was respected even by non-Christians the world over and without any explanation as to why she just rips up a picture of him.

I was alive then, I watched that episode. It came out of nowhere and stunned millions of people the world over. The newspapers batted about what her deal was for days. It only seems clear in hindsight what she was trying to say.

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