25 years ago today, 613 Azerbaijani civilians were brutally killed by fascist Armenian regime in Khojali! Never forget Khojaly!

What are you talking about?

What are YOU talking about?

Armenia occupies nearly 22% of Azerbaijani territory.

If we're calling it occupation, Armenians "occupy" just under 10% of Azerbaijan if you do not count Karabakh, or just under 15% if you do. This is very easy to verify, and a gross exaggeration. If you can't get something this obvious right, we really have to wonder at everything else you say, right? Read: http://groong.usc.edu/ro/ro-19970917.html

Any mosques that have not been destroyed in Armenia have been converted to outhouses & barns. In Shusha, (the craddle of Azerbaijani culture), Armenia has destroyed mosques, museums, monuments & historical sites in an effort to eradicate all traces of Azeri heritage.

The Blue Mosque in Yerevan is beautifully restored. The mosques in Shushi are still there, and none of them are barns or outhouses. The mosque in Aghdam is also still standing. That's the only one I've seen cows in and you know what? I've seen cows in unused Armenian Churches in both Armenia and Turkey. Some people like to get their panties in a bunch over this, or perhaps they're just pretending to be outraged, but it happens and I don't think there's any malice in it, just the practical mind of a villager.

Armenians deported & displaced the entire Muslim-Turkic population of present day Armenia (of which they were actually a minority) with the help of Russia between 1945-1992. The Russian census of Soviet Armenia (and even Yereven) showed that the population of Armenia was 80% muslim comprising of Azeri Turks, Tatars & Circassians. Armenians were part of 20% of the minority, which also consisted of Georgian Christians, Jews & Kurds. The deportation order exists in the Russian archives. In reality, Armenians have ALWAYS demographically & geographically been a MINORITY in the countries where they reside. 1 million Azeri's are currently displaced by Armenias illegal occupation of Azerbaijan, in addition to thousands missing/presumed dead.

When WWII ended in 1945 and the Soviet population was decimated by the war (Armenia itself lost 13.6% of its population, even though the war was not fought there, to Azerbaijan's 9.1% - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties_of_the_Soviet_Union#Erlikman )

Stalin invited Armenians from around the world to come to Soviet Armenia to help repopulate it, and hundreds of thousands of Armenians were crazy enough to heed his call and move to Armenia. Stalin moved a lot of Azeris to Azerbaijan at this time. Hundreds of thousands remained in 1988 when, for circumstances you may be familiar with, they all moved away from Armenia, and all the Armenians in Azerbaijan who weren't married to Azeris moved away from Azerbaijan (except of course in Karabakh). So you're trying to present things as something they were not.

"Western Armenia" doesn't exist and never has, my ancestors have been in this land for thousands of years and have rightfully conquered it with their blood, this nation wasn't won with money and won't be seperated by some communist traitors and Armenians who make up baseless historical and geographical claims.

Aaaah, so when you conquer Armenia with blood, you've earned it and it's yours. Same with N. Cyprus no doubt! But when Armenians "conquer" their own homes in Karabakh, we're evil, bloodsucking, scum of the earth occupiers who must be taught a lesson. Is that it?

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