I (25M) think I have to break up with my GF(22F) over a vegan documentary. I don't want to

This movie is not close to her heart. She saw it once and thought it was "pretty cool". She only started really pushing it when I said I didn't like the guy. She took it as an attack on all vegans. And I could have been convinced before to watch it but now that she's labelled me as being on the opposing side and having an agenda I have even less interest in watching it. I'm not gonna be bullied into doing something I don't want to do. If she calmly gave reasons as to why she wanted me to watch it after my initial criticisms, we wouldn't be sitting here.

And it wasnt one interview. It was an almost 4 hour podcast where he presented many points in the movie, so I've heard a lot of his arguments and I'm not convinced. I don't want to be forced to support things I don't want to support.

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