I (25M) was cheated on by my Fiance (25F) after 7 wonderful years together

Girlfriend of 3.5 years left me for a guy I was friends with just last month who I introduced her to (I’m 24). They had been snapchatting and hanging out while we were still dating...I’ve had to un-follow a lot of mutual friends to heal so that the trauma isn’t randomly spiked seeing her pop on socials. I know this isn’t quite 7 years, but man did reading your story hit a chord, I legit teared up.

I’m on my phone or I would write more of a novel, but right now what really is getting me through the day is to try and be better, not bitter. She will soon find out that the grass is not always greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it.

/r/relationship_advice Thread