26/f professional US east-coaster

yeah...too many effin variables for my liking. It's weird but I don't feel like Im in danger when Im going down the slopes though; even though I partially fractured my shoulder this last season.

Yeah it's a pretty tight group work-wise; we work in a secure environment but it's a pretty big office for just 6 people we're actually setup in such a way that we cant see each others computers unless we're directly behind each other (by design).

What does 'env' mean? Environment? Envious?:P

Some of the bad taste stuff is funny in a crude way, other stuff has been super offensive but that was early on, let's say they first took my openness about being trans during my first day intro as a green light to make some pretty off color gender jokes, which I kinda took for a while then one time it really made me cry and we talked it through and now and they're like my older brothers now. Now the dumb shit they say is what I'd consider typical guy-to-guy talk and it can get dirty but w/e as long as it doesnt involve me I dont care I just put on my headphones if they get too obnoxious. Except one guy who's more like an awkward dad-type he's kinda condescending to me in particular since forever and kinda blows me off whenever I try to talk to him at lunch and stuff; not sure how is with other women but it's that or b/c I'm trans but he gives me a bad vibe like he doesnt want me around. Im trying to find something new anyways, this place pays pretty well and it's stable but the work env could be a lot better; somewhere a tad bit more diverse...maybe with some better looking (and smelling) people too haha

And Mr Smells is like right at the entrance kinda so I just hold my breath when i come into work, my desk is kind far from his so I dont smell him unless he comes to my area in which case I start breathing really shallow and pop in some gum, but no I dont say anything.

Grillings! Yaz, I love grilled food, it's not allowed at my apartment complex but some friends have done a couple of cook outs and I'm there! What class do you have?

For beaches it's mainly ocean city that's my goto, I love the horses at chincoteague! i tried chesapeake beach last weekend but it wasnt what I expected and it was to cold to actually try to get some sun. Havent done Rehoboth yet, but I want to.

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