I (26F) want my boyfriend (25M) to move out, how do I go about this?

If I was you, I would start a legal eviction process. Look up tenant laws where you are and see how much notice you need to give him, give him a written notice with an expected last day. Maybe check out r/legal for more info. Break up with him when you give him the notice, sleep in the spare room or living room until he’s gone and limit your interactions and conversations with him. Don’t give him time or opportunity to speak to you and manipulate you. If he’s still refusing to move out, you can either do everything legal and end up going to court, or since he’s not on the lease and has no history of paying rent, you can do it the shitty way. If he’s not out by the last day, move him out for him and change he locks while he’s at work.

/r/relationship_advice Thread